What you need to know

If you’ve been invited to take an assessment for the first time, you’ll likely have some questions. Below are answers to some common questions.

What is a psychometric test?

Psychometrics literally means “measurement of the mind”. There are many elements that make you “you”. Talogy assessments measure some of these, with the two most common types being:

  1. Ability – how you process and reason with different kinds of information, such as verbal, numerical, and the more abstract and non-verbal type – measured using Logiks.
  2. Personality – how your preferred working style and personality characteristics drive your behaviour – measured using PAPI or Talogy Factors.


Assessments help employers in two main ways:

  1. Selection in recruitment - To identify applicants who have the particular skills and abilities that are essential for success in their business. Doing this means they can focus on the applicants with the right skills and abilities - saving time for both the employer and the applicant if they are not suited to a role. Ultimately assessments at this stage help identify the candidate(s) with the closest match to the organisation and the role being filled.
  2. Development - To provide guidance regarding areas for development or career progression for existing employees.

You may also be given some feedback on your performance in the test results. This will depend on the reasons why you were asked to complete the assessment. If you receive feedback, you can use this to gain a better understanding of your strengths and the areas you may need to develop.


Assessments put everyone on a level playing field. They do this through:

  1. Objectivity – reducing bias that can occur in more traditional assessment approaches such as interviews.
  2. Scientific and robust design – giving everyone the same assessment experience.
  3. Fairness – giving everyone the same opportunity to do their best.

How are Talogy tests taken?

Our assessments are taken via our online platform, which collects your responses to the questions. Once recorded, your test responses are automatically scored.

Will my assessment be timed?

Your assessment may be timed. As a general rule, ability tests tend to be timed and personality tests are usually untimed. At the start of each assessment, you’ll be told if there is a time limit, and how much time you will have.

Will my assessment be supervised?

Sometimes assessments are given in supervised “test” conditions. This is to ensure you are not distracted and can work alone in optimum conditions.

How can I prepare?

There are a few things you can do to get ready.

  1. Personality questionnaires – think about how you like to behave at work. These questionnaires are designed to reflect workplace behaviours, so try to focus on your work preferences, rather than social life.
  2. Ability tests – you can get familiar with the types of question you are likely to be asked. There are also practice tests you can take which simulate the real test experience.

If you have any disability which you feel might affect your performance on an assessment, please contact the person who has invited you to take the test. They might be able to make relevant adjustments to ensure you are not disadvantaged in any way. In any case, we strongly recommend that you read our assessment tips and complete any relevant example or practice tests to get a clearer idea of how your disability might affect you.